Tuesday 11 August 2015

Exploiting social media 

knowing how to use social media properly in any organisation is a skill that can be practised and perfected. It is a craft that has the potential to bring about positive change in an organisation. 

what to do 

It is, however, important to know that there are a lot of 'must do' tips that one has to pay attention to. 
Below are a are a few tips that you might want to consider..

For more information please contact me on twitter at @talk_marketing

Social Media: PR and Marketing


This blog deals with interesting aspects of social media marketing and public relations. The business world is moving towards a new direction and it has taken social media with it on that ride. It is highly important to take advantage of that tool and exploit it in as far as public relations and marketing.
My training in journalism, Public relations, digital marketing and social media will ensure that you will not receive half-baked material but top notch information.  

The greatest PR and marketing mistake.

A number of companies are starting to realise that social media, which was initially thought of a playground for young people is fast becoming the backbone to their success. However, there is still large number of companies that are still ancient in their approach. Gone are the days when public relations was only dependent upon newspaper articles, TV and radio. These days, social media platforms are going up the ladder as the number of people using them increases. It is, therefore, important for company that is concerned with customer acquisition to be disciples of those potential customers and follow them wherever they go.

Give it a go!

If you agree with that point of view then rest assured this blog is the best place to be. If you do not agree, well, why don’t you just stick around and see great case studies and real examples of big companies that are adopting that are making and have made significant changes in their businesses.

For more information on this topic, feel free to contact me at @talk_marketing on tweeter. 


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